
What does Noah feel about Lice Peeking? Flush Book (Needs 4 different claims)

I need 4 different claims with evidence about how Noah feels about Lice Peeking

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"He didn't look so good and he smelled even worse—a combination of beer and B.O. was my guess."

"Mr. Peeking?" I said. His real name was Charles, but Dad said everyone had called him Lice, for obvious reasons, since elementary school. It didn't look like his bathing habits had improved much since then.

Dad had warned me that Lice Peeking wasn't accustomed to doing something simply because it was decent and right. He'd predicted that Lice Peeking might demand something in return.

To keep from wobbling, Lice Peeking braced himself with both arms in the doorway. His face was pasty in the sunlight, and his eyes were glassy and dim. He looked like a sick old iguana, yet according to my dad, he was only twenty-nine. It was hard to believe.

