Five-Carat Soul

Short summary of the story, Blub, from Five-Carat Soul?


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In the story, Blub, Butter's friend Blub has a crush on Butter's sister. When she fails to notice him, Blub and Butter drift apart. A few months later, Butter learns that Blub and another boy are being charged with murder. Blub's attorney asks Butter to be a character witness, and he tells a story at the trial about Blub burying his sister's dead cat so she would not be traumatized by seeing its body. Blub is sentenced to 40 years in prison and the other boy receives the death penalty. The fourth story, “Goat,” is about Butter's friend Goat who is an excellent runner. Their teacher, Miss McIntyre, wants Goat to take part in local track meets, but Goat needs a copy of his birth certificate to do so. Goat's mother does not have his birth certificate because he was born in a house, not a hospital, and she is illiterate and unable to request a copy. Miss McIntyre writes the request for her.


Five-Carat Soul