First They Killed My Father


What was your impression of the final separation, both geographic and cultural, that Loung had with her surviving family? Did you sympathize with her eventual desire to assimilate into American culture, or had you expected her to be more aggressive about pursuing her family relationships earlier on?

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In my opinion, Loung's decision to leave the camp and take the opportunity to come to America was based upon hope and a longing for normalcy. There was nothing left for her in Cambodia..... America promised her a future. Eang and Meng accompany Loung to America. Once she arrived in Vermont, Loung dedicated herself to assimilation, embracing the culture of her new home..... because it was going to be her home. She got an education, actively speaks about her experiences and advocates for removal of landmines. Her reasons for distancing herself from family are individual...... something she needed to do. As a girl she was bent on revenge..... as an adult she is uses her anger proactively. Her love for her family never changed..... but her need to survive trumped all else.