
What is the main setting in the novel, Firelight?


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The story is set in two overall settings. One of those is a real city in Nevada where Jacinda, Tamra, and their mother go after running away from the pride. This city is typical of Nevada, hot and dry, and was chosen specifically for those reasons. The second overall setting is a mythical city inhabited by draki, extended members of Jacinda's family and other families who form the pride. This setting is not real though given the circumstances described by the group, it could be. The city is shrouded in a perpetual mist which is very much like the mists that tend to be near some mountainous regions. In the story, that mist is created by a draki woman named Nidia who helps keep the city hidden from those who might otherwise spot it. There are descriptions of the city itself. Jacinda says the city is "shaped like a giant wheel." The "spokes" are streets and several important buildings, including the school, is in the center of the town. The town is surrounded by walls that are carefully gardened to ensure they blend in perfectly with the environment. There are also guard towers that have been built with an eye toward the time when Nidia might no longer be able to shade the city. In Nevada, there are several distinct settings. They are in the town of Chaparral which is apparently a real place. They rent a pool house and there is ample description of their new apartment. Some of the action happens at the high school and the description of that facility is left largely to the imagination of the reader.

