Fingerprints of the Gods

What is the author's style in Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock?

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Graham Hancock is the author, explorer, commentator and analyst of "Fingerprints of the Gods" published in 1995. He is a British correspondent and international best-seller who appears regularly in National Geographic, BBC and CNN television productions. His work includes seven other books discussing Pakistan, Ethiopia and Africa. Hancock's earlier quest in 1992 leads him on a documented search for the Ark of the Covenant. His interest in this book ranges from ancient Peruvian and Egyptian myths to modern theories of astronomy, archaeology and cosmology. Hancock travels to Peru, Bolivia, Mexico and Egypt with his wife and photographer, Santha Faiia. The apparent starting point of this journey is a series of ancient Antarctica maps that pique his interest and intellectual curiosity in a lost civilization. The author is a writer and researcher by profession who travels the globe exploring, climbing and investigating subjects of interest.

His knowledge and down-to-earth commentary reveals a believable probability that the globe is once occupied in ancient antiquity by near-gods whose fingerprints remain for contemporary man to discover and understand as destiny. His style displays perspective of a professional truly interested in understanding the mysteries of his subject research to share questions and answers he finds with readers. Anyone interested in the mysteries of creation, solar system, civilization, Sphinx and pyramids can benefit from "Fingerprints."

