Fat Kid Rules the World

What is the author's style in Fat Kid Rules the World by K. L. Going?

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"Fat Kid Rules the World" by K. L. Going is written in a first-person subjective point of view. The main character is Troy, a 17-year-old boy who is almost 300 lbs. This point of view is important to the story because it shows the character's innermost thoughts and feelings. The point of view is very consistent and never wavers from Troy's point of view. This helps the reader truly identify with the main character. It shows the progression of his thoughts and actions, thus clearly detailing his growth.

Troy is in high school and he is a good student. The language of this novel reflects that since it's written from his point of view and he uses some advanced vocabulary. Curt and the other band members are more connected to the street and their language reflects this connection. They swear regularly and use potentially offensive language such as the f-word.


Fat Kid Rules the World, BookRags