
How does use imagery in Expressionism?

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It is noted, that by nature, a scream distorts the face, denaturalizes it. A quick look at Munch's 1894 lithograph by the same name will attest to this. This is what the expressionists desired, to show the horror of everyday life, not its ordinariness. Poets such as Georg Heym and Jakob van Hoddis displayed this horror in their apocalyptic visions. The latter's poem, End of the World provides one early example of expressionist verse: The bourgeois' hat flies off his pointed head, the air reechoes with a screaming sound. Tilers plunge from roofs and hit the ground, and seas are rising round the coast (you read). The storm is here, crushed dams no longer hold, the savage seas come inland with a hop. The greater part of a people have a cold. Off bridges everywhere the railroads drop.

