Esperanza Rising

On page 90, Esperanza is in California, driving to the camp. What specifically does she see? How does she react to this new setting? Find details from the text to explain your answer.

page 81-99

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Last updated by Jill W
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From the text:

• "... the San Joaquin Valley beyond. Flat and spacious, it spread out like a blanket of patchwork fields."

• "The road finally leveled out on the valley floor, and she gazed back at the mountains from where they’d come. They looked like monstrous lions’ paws resting at the edge of the ridge."
• On one side of the highway, acres of grapevines stretched out in soldiered rows and swallowed up the arbors. On the other side, fields and fields of dark green cotton plants became a sea of milk-white puffs.


Esperanza Rising