
Who is Azalea from Entwined and what is their importance?

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Azalea is the oldest of the princesses. Her father is the King. As the oldest, Azalea is the next in line to become queen. She is of age, so she will be seeking a husband soon, who will become the future King. The night of the ball, Azalea visits her mother who is pregnant and very ill. Her mother gives her a handkerchief that includes her mother's initials that are sewn with real silver thread. Azalea promises her mother that she will take care of her sisters, which comes to be known as "swearing on silver."
Azalea meets Lord Bradford and starts to fall for him. After their mother dies, Azalea does keep her promise and takes care of her sisters. With information Lord Bradford gives to Azalea, she stumbles on a secret passageway that leads to a magical silver forest. Azalea's sisters follow her into the forest so they can secretly dance.
By the end of the novel, Azalea helps to transform the relationship she and her sisters have with their father, the King. She also becomes engaged to Lord Bradford so that the couple will become the future King and Queen.