
What is the legend of the Quileute people?

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In Eclipse, the Quileute tribe are gathered around the bonfire one night. Jacob has invited Bella to be a part of it. During this time around the fire, the elder tells about how the werewolves came to be. There was a great chief who could leave his body at will when he needed to protect his people. One time, while he was out of his body, another warrior stole his body(inserting his own spirit) and took control of the tribe. He was cruel and harsh. Unable to return to his own body, the chief slipped into the form of a wolf and was able to convince his people that the body being used was not his spirit. He was able to save his people. From then on in times of trouble he assumed the form of a wolf. To this day, when a tribal male enters manhood, he transitions into a werewolf.