Driver's Ed
What is a summary for the end of the book?
What is a summary for the end of drivers ed?

What is a summary for the end of drivers ed?
In Chapter 14, Mr. Fielding calls Remy and Morgan to practice driving while they are in Driver's Ed., but instead of practicing, he drives them in his car to visit Denise Thompson's grave. He tells them that he is the one at fault, because he was the grownup in charge. The teens realize that Mr. Fielding just wants to make the emotional healing easier for them, and Morgan thanks him for that.
On December 24, Morgan shows up at the Marlands' house and asks Imogene to let Henry be the baby Jesus, because Henry's substitute has an earache. She responds, with hard sadness, that an empty manger seems fitting this year. Remy tells her mother that she needs her love. Mac tells her that he also needs reassurance that his mother can love him through anything. Finally, Mrs. Marland breaks down and hugs all the kids, including Morgan.
As Morgan's family heads to the Christmas Eve service, Starr asks Nance whether she still loves Morgan. Nance answers, "I'm working on it."
After the pageant, Nance congratulates Morgan on the production and then leaves quickly. Mac follows her outside the church and reminds her that Morgan needs his mother. Inside, Morgan tells his father that he doesn't deserve love, and his father agrees. Rafe points out that love exists, regardless. Then, Nance walks back into the church, heading toward Morgan.