Dreams From My Father

What did you learn about Obama from reading chapter 6? What was of most interest to you? What do you need more information about? What, if anything, was confusing to you?

What did you learn about Obama from reading chapter 6? What was of most interest to you? What do you need more information about? What, if anything, was confusing to you?

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Last updated by Jill W
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In Chapter Six, Obama learns of his father's death and reunites with his mother, with whom he hadn't been talking to very much. Obama avoided his mother after she took him to a film that included racial stereotypes. He also learns about his parents' courtship, the reasons for their break-up, and were focused of helping her son understand the reasons she fell in love with his father. After Obama informs his mother of his father's death, he cancels a trip he'd planned to go to Kenya.

The additional questions listed above call for your feelings and opinions.


Dreams From My Father