Dreams From My Father

what are the themes for chapter 3 and what are 3 important quotes???

what are the themes for chapter 3 and 3 qimportant quotes with page number

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You will have to find your quotes but here is a Bookrags summary of ch 3.

In Chapter 3, Ann's efforts to protect her son culminated in the decision to send Obama back to Hawaii to live with the Dunhams. When Obama arrived at the airport, he realized with a jolt that he did not really know his grandparents, who seemed strangely diminished by the years since their grandson lived with them. Obama spent his time watching television and was admitted as a student at the prestigious Punahou Academy. Obama never quite fit in because he was one of the few black students and because of his odd background. His peers initially picked on him but eventually left him alone when he told them false stories about his father, whom he claimed was a Kenyan king, despite his discovery that his father was Luo, a humble Kenyan tribe.

Obama's life with his grandparents was interrupted when Ann and Obama's half-sister Maya arrived in Hawaii. Even more disruptive was a visit from Obama Sr. near the end of the year. Over the weeks that Obama Sr. visited, Obama learned more about his father. Obama Sr.'s charm and charisma were on full display when he gave a speech to the students of Punahou, and he took his son to a jazz concert and danced with him just before leaving. Not everything went well, however. Obama was upset and wished his father had remained a distant presence when the Dunhams and Obama Sr. got into an argument about how much television Obama watched and his lackluster performance at school. The family's sole group photo was also taken during this time.