Dreams From My Father

Summarize the section titled, Origins, from the memoir, Dreams From My Father.

Dreams From My Father

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Last updated by Jill W
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"Origins" includes six chapters that cover Obama's early years in Hawaii, his years in Indonesia after Ann Dunham married Lolo Soetoro, and his life as a student in grade school through college. Chapter 1 opens when Obama is 21 and has just received a call reporting the death of his father, then it reaches backwards in time to provide the backstories of Obama Sr. and the Dunhams. Chapter 2 recounts the two or so years that Obama spent in Indonesia. This chapter also skips about in terms of chronology. The chapter opens with an account of Obama's horror when he discovered as the story about the man who removed his black skin, but it then goes back in time to describe Obama's arrival in Indonesia three years prior. Chapters 3 recounts Obama's return to Hawaii in 1971. The overall arc from this point until Chapter 6 is chronological and covers Obama's adolescence, teenage years, and college years at Occidental and Columbia, bringing the memoir to 1983. In Chapter 5, there is a brief flashback in which Obama describes his conflict with a fellow student as a turning point that inspired the move to New York, recounted in the Chapter 6, which brings the memoir back around to the year that Obama Sr. died.

