Dreams From My Father

Dreams from my Father

In Chapter 5, Obama mentions that while he was in high school, he stopped writing to his father. Why do you think he stopped writing? Why did he begin again? In the letter Obama reads, his father advises him to come to Kenya to meet his family and to learn “where you belong.” How does Obama react to this advice? Why?

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Barack stopped writing to his father because everything became too confusing. His father was an enigma, with whom, he'd spent a few weeks, but all in all, the connection just wasn't there. During the time they exchanged letter, his father wrote to him about becoming a man.... what he should do. From the text, we can infer that Obama simply grew tired of navigating the waters he wasn't responsible for.

Obama began writing to his father after a visit from his sister, Auma. His sister told him that their father talked about his all the time.... that he was proud of him. Obama travels to Kenya in order to understand what "family" really means.


Dreams from My Father