Dragon Wing

What is the setting in the novel, Dragon Wing?

Dragon Wing

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Last updated by Jill W
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Dragon Wing is set in an imaginary world which is similar to our world in that there are humans on the planet, but it is very different in that magic is an integral part of the world. The characters and the animals, many of which are not real, can do things that people on this planet cannot. For example, Dog, the dog who is Haplo's companion seems to be as intelligent as a human and can do many things most dogs cannot, such as climb ladders and survive explosions.

The technological level of the world is at about the same as the early 18th or late 17th century of earth. In fact, many of the weapons, the customs, and the animals are common to the real world or planet Earth.

The world of Arianas is divided into different levels or islands, the lower, mid and upper levels. Dragon Wing events take place on all three levels about equally. Each level has different types of people in them. The lower level is where the dwarves live; humans and elves live in the mid level and human wizards or Mysteriarchs live in the upper realm.

