Dog Soldiers

What is the author's style in Dog Soldiers a Novel by Robert Stone?

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The point of view used "Dog Soldiers" by Robert Stone is the third person and omniscient. This is particularly accurate when setting and time period are of great importance to the story. Third person allows Stone to give the reader great insight into the sights and sounds encountered on the journey and to develop a sense of personality and vision regarding each character. The use of this point of view is especially important considering the drastic difference in various cultures from the Vietnamese to the American and Mexican-American.

Since many of the facts in the book are historically accurate, it is even more important to impart them as such even if they are woven into the story. This creates a true to life feel about the Vietnamese as well as the American counter culture. and their journey as well as the overall feel of what it was like to experience the drastic changes that began to come about during the 1960s and 1970s.

Additionally, it allows the reader to get insight into things that may not have been seen and heard by John Converse or the others, to learn about the story through various sets of eyes and to experience the journeys of the characters like Marge, Hicks, Antheil, and the others. It also allows the reader to get a clear view of the changing situation in America and how it affects the story and culture as a whole.

The point of view also allows the reader to experience and understand the vast difference in beliefs systems, politics, and views on society.


Dog Soldiers, BookRags