Discover the Destroyer

Describe Fairy Land in the novel, Discover the Destroyer.

Discover the Destroyer

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Last updated by Jill W
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Fairy Land has many wonders, including a castle whose towers are actually missiles designed to shoot down a dragon, but its people are the greatest wonders. Take, for example, the nymph Idalia: "She was green. Not a little green, a lot green. I could see the color because she glowed like a paper candle lantern. Like she was filled with neon gas. She glowed the green of a spring leaf. Her skin, her face. Her hair was a darker green, like the same leaf in late summer. Her eyes, I didn't see them at first, couldn't because they darted this way and that, but when they paused for a microsecond they were yellow. Sunflower yellow."


Discover the Destroyer