Diary of a Madman and Other Stories

Who is Narrator from Diary of a Madman and Other Stories and what is their importance?

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Each story is told from the perspective of a narrator who is sometimes named and sometimes not. The reader views his experiences through the narrator's eyes but also can see the narrator's flaws and understand opposing views. Based on the background information given prior to the stories, each narrator's voice sounds like the voice of Lu Xun. It is clear that each narrator is based on Lu Xun or those with whom Lu Xun has come into close contact. These narrators are frequently the main characters in the stories but not always. In some stories the narrator is a bystander watching and having some or no interaction with the character that is the protagonist in the story. First person is used throughout the book as the narrator describes his surroundings and the events that unfold. At times other characters also speak in first person. When it is someone other than the narrator speaking, quotation marks are used. There are a few stories such as "A Happy Family" in which the third-person perspective is used. For the most part, the narrator describes the actions of the main character in the story.

