What is the setting in the fairy tale, Deerskin?

As in all good fairy tales, the setting of Deerskin is vague regarding time and place.
A few hints, mentioned earlier, suggest that the story takes place in Damar. Moreover, references to unknown animals such as ootag or iruku and to strange foods like the borka root tell readers that this world is not exactly like ours. The time period is unclear as well. If this is indeed Damar, then the reference to Aerin places Deerskin in a time between that of The Hero and the Sword and that of The Blue Sword. The feudal social structures and medieval lifestyle place this story closer to Aerin's time than to Harry's, the latter seeming more akin to Victorian times. The lack of specificity regarding time and place is a strength of fairy tales; it makes them seem more universal in application. It also, surprisingly, makes them more believable. "Once upon a time" there might have been a Moonwoman.
Although the when and the where of the story are not specific, the references to particular flora and fauna make the reality of this world concrete and believable. The stifling formality of Lissar's father's court is contrasted with the humbler (and happier) court of Ossin's parents. When Lissar works first in the stables and then in the kennels, the details could be taken from a guide to medieval estate management. The supernatural elements of the story, the Moonwoman and her manipulations of time and form, are present when Lissar flees humanity.
Outside of the towns and courts, in the countryside, magic is possible. The country people even believe that Lissar is the Moonwoman, come to watch over their young and helpless. Their belief in magic allows the reader to accept it as well.
Above all, however, setting in this novel is subordinate to character and situation.