Dead Wake

What happened to many of the children during the Lusitania's final voyage?

Dead Wake

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Last updated by Jill W
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There were many children on board the Lusitania on its final voyage. Many of the children thrown into the water and separated from parents could not save themselves and quickly drowned. However, for those who survived longer in the water there was another killer – hypothermia. The water surrounding the sinking Lusitania was 55 degrees. It was not frigid as the water around the Titanic was but it was cold enough to lower core temperatures to a dangerous level and did so quickly. Even if the body temperature was lowered only three or four degrees, if sustained long enough would cause death. Those who were most vulnerable to hypothermia were children, especially infants, thin people, old people and women. The cold would cause the heart rate to slow and death soon followed.


Dead Wake