Dava Shastri's Last Day

What is the setting in the novel, Dava Shastri’s Last Day?

Dava Shastri’s Last Day

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Last updated by Jill W
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Beatrix Island is the overall setting of the novel, with the exception of the scenes from memories – mostly Dava's – that provide the frame story for the novel and the backstories for various characters. This estate sits on a 10-acre man-made island that is reached by ferry. The descriptions make it clear this is an elaborate and expensive estate. There is a main house that has several bedrooms, two stories, and a great room. A tunnel connects the main house with a guest house (where Dr. Windsor is staying in this story). Sandi feels the house is more like a museum with random features. Arvie complains at the lack of modern conveniences, such as the need to turn on the water in the shower manually. Very little happens outside the main house because a storm blankets the property during this novel.

