Yea David,
The arguement is very strong in favour of cloning based on present medical research.Since you are against it in the debate, i will not bother you with the medical points
in support.The telomeres shortening draw back of cloning mentioned in the first answer given to you above ,as a point against cloning, is obsolete now.There are new drugs developed recently,to elongate telomeres ,so with them that is no longer a hindrance unlike in the past.
The greatest point against cloning is the possibility of emergence of crazy mutants of animals, that we cannot control and could put the whole of us in jeopardy.
secondly it could also lead to demeaning of our laws since, if we could clone human beings ,then crime detection, prevention will be virtually impossible between clones.Abuse will also occur when control of human life becomes virtually within the power of human beings via cloning and God will loose his credibility albeit momentrarily, to our utter detriment and self destruction.
I hope that with these few points you could make it.Points in support of cloning that i want to let you know are:Parkinsosns and alzeihmers diseases as well as longevity could be prolonged by cloning research medically.However these are few in our society in terms ofg number of sufferers so you can argue your case that the funds into the research does not justify the benefits for now.Good luck.