Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice

What is pages 81-88 of Claudette Colvin's about?

what is pages 81-88of claudette colvin's about

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• May 11th, 1956, was Claudette's court date. Her family takes her to the courthouse and she and Fred Gray are greeted by a crowd of supporters.

• It has been 159 days since the boycott began but the segregationists are still resisting change when Claudette goes to court.

• Dr. King was singled out as stirring up trouble and had been attacked several times.

• An obscure anti-boycott law has been used to arrest many of the leaders. Frank Johnson is a young man and one of Claudette's judges.

• Gray began his arguments that segregation violated the equal protection clause in the constitution. He presented each of the plaintiffs.

• The prosecutor attempted to get the plaintiffs to admit to being Dr. King's puppets but all deny the charge.

• Claudette was last on the stand as her story was the most powerful. The prosecutor attempted to break her but she stayed strong.