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Zvi Spiegel was a very special man. He arrived at Auschwitz in his twenties, and after Mengele learned that he was a twin, he appointed Zvi the guardian of the twins in the boys' barracks. Spiegel went out of his way to protect the children. He would delay giving information about family members' fates, he even lied..... simply to keep up the childrens' morale. When a new doctor came to the barracks and ordered the childrens' executions, Zvi went straight to Mengele and convinced him to stop them.

After the war, Spiegel kept his promise to the boys and made sure they all got home. Many of the boys were sent to their own homes by train. After getting them all home, Lvi would receive letters from the boys updating him on their lives. He even reunited with them years later.


Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz