Children of Dune

Who is Farad'n Corrino / Harq al-Ada from Children of Dune and what is their importance?

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Farad'n Corrino, Harq al-Ada, is the grandson of the late Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. He is a student of history and human relations, and a patron of the arts. When he learns of Wensicia's plot to murder the Atreides twins, he disapproves of the means but not the end.

Farad'n excels in his physical and mental training and graduates, more a Bene Gesserit than a Corrino at this point. When Leto assumes the Lion Throne, the political marriage becomes unnecessary. He does, however, name Farad'n his official scribe and renames him Harq al-Ada - "Breaking of the Habit.


Children of Dune