Children of Blood and Bone

What are the six plots in Chapters 29-33?

What are the 6 plots in the chapters 29-33 children of blood and bone

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In Chapter 29, Zelie jumps off the boat and leaps into the water, where she summons her magic and uses the spirits of the dead to attack the other boats and sink them.

In Chapter 30, Amari freezes when a man boards their ship and attacks her. Tzain rescues her and then their boat is hit and begins to sink.

In Chapter 31, Zelie uses blood magic to create more spirits to stop the boat from sinking. The blood magic overwhelms her and she begins to drown.

In Chapter 32, Tzain jumps overboard and saves Zelie. While he is in the water, the last captain boards their boat and Amari kills him, winning the contest.

In Chapter 33, Zelie collects the sunstone and when she touches it she feels a connection to the Sky Mother goddess. She uses her magic to release all the spirits of the dead.


Children of Blood and Bone