This novel is written by siblings Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey. They are both children of Frank and Lilli Gilbreth and are part of the dozen children born to the family. This novel is the third-person account of stories relating to their family, based on true events. Because there are two authors, the stories are objective and tell about all the children equally. If a story is about Ernestine, it is written in third person and the reader might assume that Frank is actually telling this particular anecdote. The same can be said for stories with Frank as a focal point. The point of view is omniscient, and the anecdotes are strung together in a manner that builds on the characters and helps the reader connect and relate to the family members. The stories are written so they intertwine with each other, building on concepts the reader can relate to from previous anecdotes.