Chariots of the Gods: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past
How does Erich von Daniken use imagery in Chariots of the Gods: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past?

Examples of Imagery:
"While our spaceship disappears again into the mists of the universe, our friends [extraterrestrial semisavages] will talk about the miracle -'The gods were here!' They will translate it into their simple language and turn it into a saga to be handed down to their sons and daughters. They will turn the presents and implements and everything that the space travelers left behind into holy relics."
"Easter Island lies far away from any continent or civilization. The islanders are more familiar with the moon and the stars than any other country. No trees grow on the island, which is a tiny speck of volcanic stone. The usual explanation, that the stone giants were moved to their present sites on wooden rollers, is not feasible in this case, either. In addition, the island can scarcely have provided food for more than 2,000 inhabitants. [...] A shipping trade, which brought food and clothing to the island for the stonemasons, is hardly credible in antiquity. Then who cut the statues out of the rock, who carved them and transported them to their sites? How were they moved across country for miles without rollers? How were they dressed, polished, and erected? How were the hats, the stone for which came from a different quarry from that of the statues, put in place?"
Chariots of the Gods: Unsolved Mysteries of the Past