Burnt Offerings

How does Laurell K. Hamilton use imagery in Burnt Offerings?

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Examples of Imagery:

By the time the cops arrived, Zane was healed. He'd curled around Nataniel's unconscious body like it was a teddy bear, still crying. He stroked Nathaniel's hair and muttered over and over, "She'll keep us safe. She'll keep us safe. She'll keep up safe."

"We walked toward the Circus. The coat billowed behind me like a cape. The Uzi bounced lightly agains by back. I'd added one extra thing from the glove compartment. A long silver chain with a cross on it. I'd gotten longer chains when I started dating Jean Claude. The shorter ones spilled out of my clothing at awkward moments. I was loaded for bear, uh, vampire, and ready to go kill something."


Burnt Offerings