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Examples of Imagery:

"It's so simple. This little beige pill—one in the morning and one at night. With water. And it keeps me even. I wasn't at all fearful about taking it. To me, it was the answer to a prayer," Chapter 5, My Little Beige Pill, p. 99.

"I saw the possibility that my longtime dream could come true, and I was afraid to take the chance, but I jumped in anyway. I don't have the feeling of waiting for that other shoe to drop, or that I don't deserve being happy. I feel free to enjoy what I have. I believe that in that little package we call hope, there is compensation for all the time that we think may have been wasted or lost. The rate of growth in my mind and my heart in the last seven years is beyond measuring. I see that as God's compensation," Chapter 11, Life After Manic Depression, p. 256.


Brilliant Madness: Living with Manic Depressive Illness