Midnighters #3: Blue Noon

Who is Rex Greene from Midnighters #3: Blue Noon and what is their importance?

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Rex Greene is the only seer in the group. He was born a midnighter. He can read the lore, which is the history of the midnighters local to Bixby, Oklahoma. In a prior book of the trilogy, he is turned into a halfling, half midnighter and half darkling. He is the self-imposed leader of the group. He decides this because he is the only seer and because he enjoys being in control. The others do not always agree with this but for the most part do not mind.
As a half darkling, Rex fights with the stronger forces inside of him. He sometimes views his classmates and people around him as prey, and thinks they appear tempting and delicious. Rex is incredibly uncomfortable around all human things. He thinks human things are out to trick him. Dess has to do his math homework and they re-do his locker combination since anything in combinations of thirteen feels like an attack to him. Melissa is his closest friend. He is in a romantic relationship with Melissa as well.