Black Leopard, Red Wolf

What is the plot of the story Black Leopard, Red Wolf?

A plot summary for chapter 1

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Chapter One begins with the novel’s protagonist and narrator, a hunter known only as Tracker, giving a brief overview of the novel’s story. A queen in the southern region of the land is looking for a missing boy, but Tracker believes that the missing boy is probably dead. When Tracker was a boy, he lived with his parents in a city called Juba, in the North Kingdom. Tracker’s father was abusive, and one day, Tracker fought back and possibly killed his father. Tracker then went out on his own and discovered that he had a superhuman sense of smell that he could use to track anyone and anything. A queen once hired him to track and find her deceased husband. He tracked the husband to the land of the dead, but Tracker was attacked there by demons called Omoluzu. Tracker escaped back to the living realm, but the demons swore to find Tracker someday.


Black Leopard, Red Wolf