Black Boy
Black boy
What happens in chapter 4 that is interesting ?

What happens in chapter 4 that is interesting ?
Richard’s grandmother is a passionate, zealot of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Her house is bound by strict religious rules which are the main focus of her being. Life there is harsh and food consists mostly of mush and greens. Granny is determined that Richard must accept her God if he is to be saved. Richard believes that none of her fanatical rantings are true. The battle for Richard’s soul is waged by Granny and his Aunt Addie, who is as much a zealot as Granny. Richard is forced to attend the religious school where Addie teaches. He is accused of a silly infraction that he didn’t commit. Addie is enraged and beats him. Richard makes a vow that he will never be beaten again. When his Aunt Addie prepares to beat him again when they return home, he snaps. He grabs a knife and threatens to harm her. Granny and his mother intervene, but when he tries to explain they will not listen.