Big Trouble

Who is Puggy from Big Trouble and what is their importance?

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Puggy is the first character the reader encounters in the novel, and his presence as a new homeless resident in Miami goes a long way towards setting the stage of the novel at large. The city is a perfect place for a homeless person like himself to thrive. He sleeps in trees, and moves onto the Herk's property when he sees Snake and Eddie, of whom he is afraid, walk by his old tree one day. At the Herk residence, he falls asleep next to Nina's room and enjoys the music she plays at night.
He manages to save Nina from Henry and Leonard the first night they try to shoot Arthur, and the two instantly fall in love. Later, he is taken hostage by Snake, who wants to get back at him for hurting his foot, and manages to escape them just before they board the plane. From there, he is able to find Monica and the others and tell them exactly where Snake is and where he plans to go. At the end of the book, he lives with Nina at the Herk residence and the two love each other very much.
Puggy is initially portrayed as a lowlife, but has many positive qualities, including concern for the well-being of others and the willingness to protect them when they are in danger. He stands up for people in danger several times throughout the novel, and this manages to bring about good fortune for him.