Big Trouble

Who is Anna from Big Trouble and what is their importance?

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Anna is Jenny's mother and Arthur's wife. She is Eliot's age, and very attractive. This is her second marriage, and it is not a pleasant one, but she stays out of fear of what Arthur will do to her and Jenny should she try to leave the marriage. Arthur is often abusive towards her. She is good friends with Nina, and cares very deeply for her daughter. She expresses interest in Eliot when they meet at her house, and uses the fact that Eliot forgot his glasses there to meet him for lunch the next day. When they do meet, she confides in him that she does not like her present marriage, and sympathizes with Eliot over his recent divorce. She is fiercely protective of Jenny, but by no means overbearing or controlling, and is completely disgusted with Arthur when he gladly offers Jenny over to Snake in exchange for being left alone. Her protectiveness leads her to rush with Monica and the others to the airport when her daughter is taken hostage by Snake, and she does everything possible to stop them from leaving Miami International Airport. She also works out regularly, and is very strong. Matt is beaten up by her the night he enters their home uninvited, and she nearly fights off three strong men at the airport when they attack Eliot. She finally divorces Arthur by the end of the novel, and is allowed to keep his house. She quickly marries Eliot afterwards and lives with him, Matt, Jenny, Puggy, and Nina in the same house.