
Beowulf defeats Grendel in hand- to-hand combat, without the help of any weapons . a. How does this episode emphasize the hero's superhuman prowess? b. Where else in the selection are we told that Beowulf has per formed extraordinary feats ?


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Beowulf decides to face Grendel without weapons since Grendel does not use them. He tells those around him that the outcome of the fight is in the hands of God. The Danes leave the hall, Beowulf and his companions bed down for the night. When darkness falls, Grendel comes stalking across the empty moors. Intent on slaughter and food, he has no idea what is waiting for him in the hall. He bursts open Heorot's heavy iron-bound doors with the touch of his hand and rushes in, grabs one of the sleeping Geats, eats him, greedily gulping down the blood, and then grabs Beowulf. Beowulf has had a moment to orient himself, however, and wrestles with Grendel. Grendel is taken aback by his strength and tries to get away, but cannot. They struggle, Beowulf refusing to break his grip. Beowulf's companions try to wound Grendel, only to find he is impervious to their weapons. In the end, Grendel manages to pull away from Beowulf, leaving his arm in the hero's grasp. He flees, bleeding, to his lair. Beowulf's prowess can be found in his superhuman strength.

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