Beatrice and Virgil

What is an example of metaphor in the novel, Beatrice and Virgil?

Beatrice and Virgil

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Animals are used as metaphors for human beings by both Henrys in their writing. Throughout the narrative, animals are referred to and developed as the central characters in fictional narratives. The successful first novel of protagonist Henry features animals which, in turn, leads the antagonist (the taxidermist) to reach out to him for help in writing his play, which also features animal characters. Scenes from, and conversations about, this play make up a substantial portion of the book's narrative action. In both cases, animals are anthropomorphic - that is, they behave in human ways and act out of human feelings, needs, and thoughts. In reference to his work with animals, Henry suggests that writing about animals frees both author and reader from preconceptions and expectations.


Beatrice and Virgil