As You Wish

Comment on the importance of storytelling in the context of the film?


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Most obviously, the entire film The Princess Bride is a story within a story: the tale featuring Westley, Buttercup, et al. takes place as a book being read to a modern-day boy by his grandfather. Many aspects of this framing story influence how we are told the inner tale, particularly the instances where we're removed from the latter and returned to the present as the boy and his grandfather mull over what's happening, remove themselves from the tension, or clarify a plot point. However, there are also many instances of a story within the story within the story. For example, in the Fire Swamp, Westley tells Buttercup about his time aboard the Dread Pirate Roberts’ ship, providing us an additional tale within the two we're already experiencing. Not only that, but Inigo’s story about his father also plays a big role in the set up of the tale’s secondary plot line in which he seeks revenge on his father’s killer. Without these stories within the story, much of the meat of the film would be lost or unexplained.