Argentine literature

1-At what point in the story does the routine of Dahlmann’s life change? When do events begin to seem unreal? 2-In what ways does his reading of The Thousand and One Nights coincide with Dahlmann’s experience?

I have two questions about the story "The South" by Jorge Luis Borges. These are my exam questions. If you are sure of the answers to these questions, I would be very happy if you share them with me until Monday :) Thanks a lot.

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Dahlman's life begins to change after he injures his head in the stairwell. Events begin to seem unreal in the last section, pgs. 172-174, as Dahlman struggles to adapt to the real world after leaving the sanitarium.

Dalhmann’s copy of “The Thousand and One Nights” represents illusion and Dahlmann’s escape from reality. When Dahlmann is dissatisfied with his reality, he tries to read the book. For example, when Dahlmann injures himself on page 168, he reads the book. This causes his nightmares to be supplemented by the illustrations in the book. However, when Dahlmann is on the train, enjoying the countryside, he cannot read the book because “the joy of life distracted him” (170). Therefore, Dahlmann’s contentedness with his life affects his decision to be absorbed in the book.


The South