Among Others

What is the author's style in Among Others by Jo Walton?

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Among Others is told from a first-person perspective, from the point of view of fifteen-year-old Morwenna. Morwenna is dealing with many typical issues a girl of that age would face, including changes from puberty, fitting in at school, finding her place in life, and dealing with romantic and sexual feelings.

However, Morwenna is also a very atypical girl. She is a witch capable of wielding magic, and she is in tune with the magical world of fairies. At the start of the novel, she has also run away from her mother after a battle in which her sister was killed. So, Morwenna comes from a world (the wilderness of Wales, as opposed to the stifling urban jungle of London) where magic is more commonplace. Perhaps appropriately, Morwenna is a "wild child," an eccentric teenager who does not fit in to the rich preparatory school of Arlinghurst.

By using first-person point of view, the author has clearly made the book a story of Morwenna's journey into womanhood. The reader is privy to Morwenna's private struggles with her identity, her grief, and her fears and uncertainties. By the end, Morwenna battles her demons and is able to find the confidence and forward-looking spirit she will need to have a happy and fulfilling life.

