Alas, Babylon
Resolution – Discuss two different ways the characters resolved a conflict in the novel (refer to your answer in the previous section [conflict]). Use evidence from the text and page numbers.
At the beginning of the novel, Randy is presented without much purpose in his life; he lives alone, he drinks a lot, he has no real job, and he recently lost a run for political office. When Mark trusts him with knowledge of the impending attack and places his family in his care, though, Randy begins his transformation. Over the course of the novel, Randy Bragg becomes a true leader not only for his family or his neighbors, but for the entirety of Fort Repose. As a former Reserve Officer, he adopts responsibility for the safety of the entire town, sure that it is the right thing to do. Most importantly, Randy retains his morals and his conscience despite the ongoing war, even after acknowledging that it would be acceptable to play by different rules. By the end of the novel, Randy is a hero.