A Spark of Light

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Jodi Picoult uses A Spark of Light to examine both sides of the ongoing debate about the reproductive rights of women, specifically abortion, ultimately coming down on the pro-choice side of the movement. Several of the characters of the novel represent the pro-choice side of the issue, both the emotional aspects and the logical arguments. Louie represents the logical arguments in favor of abortion being a woman’s choice. Through him, the author presents facts she has discovered through the extensive research she obviously conducted to write the novel. For example, Louie suggests that there is a racial element to the movement to make abortion illegal. He explains that “the average anti-choice protester is…a middle-aged Caucasian male” (141) and that more African American women have abortions than Caucasian women. He believes that the anti-choice side frames their efforts as a means of protecting African American women when it is really meant to prevent white babies from being aborted. He explains, “a law that keeps Black women from having abortions also keeps white women from having them. The only person who can give birth to a white baby is a white woman” (142). Louie also has a cordial and logical discussion with the leader of the protest group, Allen, toward the end of the novel. In that discussion, Louie asks important questions about whether women who have abortions belong in jail and if abortion should be illegal in cases of rape and incest. He also provides scientific information regarding conception and when life begins.