A Feast for Crows

Do you believe that the scenes depicted in A Feast for Crows is an accurate historical depiction? If so, what elements make it seem so? If not, what discrepancies are there?

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In A Feast for Crows there are many scenes that are very raw and realistic, but one has to wonder whether this is an accurate depiction of what life was like during those days and times. The author, George RR Martin, has done a lot of his homework. For example, many of the details of the gates, towers, castles, and the use of iron to make weapons is historically accurate. His description of the interaction between nobles and other nobles in other families is also verifiable. In short, the novel is a very good glimpse into the life and times of the middle ages. Where it goes awry, of course, is the introduction of the magical element with the dragons and the Others.