26 Fairmount Avenue

What is the author's style in 26 Fairmount Avenue by Tomie dePaola?

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The whole chapter book is told from the perspective of Tomie dePaola. At the time the story takes place, Tomie is a very young child. In 1938, he is just four years old. The story of 26 Fairmount Avenue is comprised of Tomie dePaola's memories. It is also good to keep in mind that the book takes place during the first half of the twentieth century when things were very different. By telling the story from the perspective of his younger self, dePaola is able to take the reader back in time to when things were simpler. For example, Tomie dePaola remembers the first time he saw Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. This sense of wonder is what makes the book so entertaining. If dePaola were to recount his adventure from an adult perspective, the story might not appeal to younger readers. Also, because the story is told through young Tomie's eyes, the adults in the story are somewhat in the background. After all, it is Tomie's world that is being presented, not his mother's or his father's. This also makes the story more humorous. That is to say, things like Nana Upstairs being tied to her chair might not be quite so funny told from an adult's point of view.


26 Fairmount Avenue