A Is for Alibi

What is Charlie's reaction to Nikki Fife's reopening the murder case? What does he say about Gwen Fife, Sharon Napier, and Libby Glass?


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Charlie is not pleased about Nikki's opening up the case again and tells Kinsey he does not want to go through all the pain and hurt the loss of his friend caused him. Charlie and Laurence had a long history, with Laurence coming from a privileged background and Charlie having to fight and work for everything he had. He tells Kinsey that Gwen Fife was very bitter about her divorce and that she runs a dog-grooming business. He has a low opinion of Sharon Napier, that she was a useless secretary and she left town owing him money. Charlie denies having any knowledge of Libby Glass's death, and, if he knew her, it was only a casual acquaintance.