A Is for Alibi

What details does Kinsey have to take care of when she returns to her motel in Los Angeles, after concluding her meetings with Greg and Diane Fife?


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When Kinsey gets back to the motel in Los Angeles, she has four phone messages, three of which are from Charlie Scorsoni (the first from Denver, the second from Tucson, and the third from back in Santa Teresa). She phones Charlie, but he is not there, so she leaves a message with his secretary, Ruth. The fourth message is from Garry Steinberg, the accountant who had worked with Libby. They arrange to meet on Friday. Kinsey then calls Mrs. Glass and arranges to see Libby's things before she leaves Los Angeles. Kinsey makes one last call to the friend who had tracked down Sharon Napier's address for her and tells him she doesn't think her investigation had anything to do with Sharon's death.