Academic writing

What type of information goes on a note card for a research paper?


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Last updated by LeonBunch
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Notecards are you to keep track of facts and organize the structure of your research paper. Facts include the title of the book or article, you've used, the page number, chapter number, date of publication, and the author.

The main thing, contains information about the topic, facts on the topic.

Notecards system helps you keep your thought organized while you do research. I read about plenty of experiments that note-making improves understanding of the subject in general. Nowadays, there are plenty of online flashcards by subjects free tools like this one; that you can use as a notecards sorting system and help yourself to learn things more effective way than possible by modern technologies. Also, I recommend you write all notes about facts, page numbers, chapter numbers, dates of publications, the authors yourself and add your thought in one sentence.