Chapter 5 Notes from Wuthering Heights

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Chapter 5 Notes from Wuthering Heights

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Wuthering Heights Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Mr. Earnshaw became ill, and any attacks on his favorite, Heathcliff, made him furious. Hindley would often raise him to a frenzy with such attacks, and he was sent away to college, in the hopes his behavior would improve. But there was not peace in the house, as Catherine and Joseph often quarreled. Joseph was annoying with his misplaced morality. He used the Bible to elevate himself and chastise others. In his weak health Mr. Earnshaw was easily persuaded by his sermons, which were full of horrible tales about Catherine and Heathcliff. Mr. Earnshaw was a firm and serious father, and Catherine's wild and disrespectful behavior made him angry. She could be a sweet child, but was very mischievous. She liked to annoy everyone, and to tease her father with Heathcliff's eagerness to do what she wanted. She always asked for forgiveness at night, at which her father would say: "I cannot love thee; thou 'rt worse than thy brother. Go, say thy prayers, child, and ask God's pardon. I doubt thy mother and I must rue that we ever reared thee!" Chapter 5, pg. 38 She would cry, then pretend indifference.

One night during a big storm, the family lounged by the fire. Catherine had been sick, and father was enjoying her peacefulness. With his daughter at his feet, Mr. Earnshaw died. He passed quietly, and they first thought him asleep. It was Catherine who realized he was dead and she and Heathcliff ran off to console each other, imagining a beautiful heaven for father.

Topic Tracking: Nature 2

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