Chapter 33 Notes from Wuthering Heights

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Chapter 33 Notes from Wuthering Heights

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Wuthering Heights Chapter 33

Nelly tells Mr. Lockwood how during Hareton's recovery, he and Cathy became closer. The girl was able to convince him to cut down a patch of berry bushes, so that she could put in some plants from the Grange in their place. The plants belonged to Joseph, but the smitten Hareton said he would take the blame for their removal. At dinner, Cathy sat closer to Hareton. Despite the likelihood of their friendship annoying Heathcliff, Cathy quietly teased Hareton until he let out a laugh. Heathcliff was angry, and surprised when Hareton admitted it was he who laughed. Before the meal ended, Joseph came in, furious about his uprooted plants. He said he would leave, because he cannot stand what Cathy has done to the family. Heathcliff yelled at Hareton, who said that he had every right to dig up the yard, since Heathcliff stole all his land. But when Heathcliff demanded Cathy be removed from his sight, Hareton wisely tried to make his confrontational cousin leave. She finally agreed, touched by his concern for her welfare. But Heathcliff grabbed her, and was about to hurt her, when he unexpectedly let her go. He sent them all away, wanting to be alone.

Topic Tracking: Nature 14
Topic Tracking: Violence 19

Once alone, Hareton asked Cathy not to insult Heathcliff. Despite his flaws, Hareton cared for him, like a father. After this quarrel ended, the two were rarely apart; and Hareton was much changed and improved with Cathy's influence. Heathcliff came upon the two reading together, and their resemblance to his love with Catherine Earnshaw confused and quieted him. With these two in love, Heathcliff could hurt them both and finish his revenge against their parents. But he told Nelly: "I have lost the faculty of enjoying their destruction, and I am too idle to destroy for nothing." Chapter 33, pg. 295 He felt that a change was coming, as he slowly lost interest in earthly matters. Despite the memories each child brought up, he cannot get rid of them. They, and everything, reminded him of Catherine; and Hareton's previous degradation recalled his own youth. He was not ill, nor in body close to death. But his continual torment, his constant wishing to be with the dead, made him certain he could not stand living much longer. After this outburst he became quieter, talking only to himself, while Nelly anxiously waited to see how this change would play out.

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